Shopping Cart Security Information
We use PayPal as our merchant gateway.
How Secure is the PayPal Site?
The PayPal site is highly secure. They use industry-leading technology (such as SSL) to keep your information safe.
PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to theirs using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available). Before you even register or log in to the PayPal site, their server checks that you’re using an approved browser – one that uses SSL 3.0 or higher.
Once your information reaches the PayPal site, it resides on a server that is heavily guarded both physically and electronically. PayPal servers sit behind an electronic firewall and are not directly connected to the internet, so your private information is available only to authorized computers.
What Make the PayPal Site So Secure?
- Technology – PayPal’s state-of-the-art fraud models and proprietary fraud engine work together to help stop fraudulent transactions before they happen. In addition, PayPal stays at the forefront of security, developing many anti-fraud technologies every year.
- Experience – With PayPal, you have got the industry’s most experienced fraud team on your side. PayPal processes billion of dollars in payments each year, allowing them to continually perfect their anti-fraud protections. As a result, PayPal’s loss rate is significatly lower than the industry average. They also work with federal law enforcement to catch criminals.
- Privacy – PayPal is committed to protecting the privacy of their users. When you send or request money using PayPal, recipients never see your bank account numbers or credi card numbers. They only see your emails address, date of sign-up, and whether or not you have completed PayPal’s Verification process.