Vimeo Video by courtesy of Heidrun

“Thanks again for making the costumes. Any way you can share it (video) on your Pinterest board if you like. You also can find me under Heidrun Metzler I posted it on my at liberty training board and on the children’s book activities board.” Heidrun also has a book, Skeeters Dream, that is available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

Click on the picture below to watch The Wild Animal Show.

horses wearing costumes

Photo by courtesy of Christina

“You did a hot pink corvette for my daughter to wear in the costume class at Welsh nationals.  It was amazing. Everyone loved it!” We can do a car costume in any color you need. Note: Customer added their own stickers.

costume for horses pink Barbie corvette

pink Barbie corvette costume for horses

Photos by courtesy of Leah

Craft foam or felt can create an amazing costume.  It can be layered, cut and painted very easily.

tiger king horse costume

tiger king horse costume

tiger king costume for horses

tiger king costumes for horse

Cheshire cat horse costume

cheshire cate costume for horses

Photos by courtesy of Rob.

“Hi:  I don’t think I ever sent you a photo of the blue car costume on the horse.  It looks great.  The freestyle event I was going to go to in June has been cancelled (not the show, just the freestyle) ? so I am looking for other options. I ordered two flashing red lights and they came as well so I will figure out a flashing light for the patrol car too. Thanks again for all your help.”

blue car costume for horses

car costume for horses

Click on the picture below to see the video Rob created of his Freestyle routine with his horse, Enoch.

horse wearing police car costume

horse police car costume

race car costume for horses

Photos by courtesy of Sky

“Thank you so much. It turned out adorable.” Sky got a custom color dragon costume.

pink dragon costume for horses

pink dragon forse costume

costume for horse pink dragon

Photo by courtesy of Holly

Holly says “We got the sleezy yesterday and it’s perfect! Thank you again for everything. “

costumes for horses american flag

costumes for horses american flag

costumes for horses american flag

Photo by courtesy of Melissa

Melissa says “Sleezys on parade.”

two horses wearing American Flag costumes

Photos by courtesy of Heather

Heather used a Sleezy Mask to quickly create a unicorn for her daughter.

unicorn horse costume

unicorn horse costume

Photos by courtesy of Nancy.

Costume is a Flags print Uni-Body.

horse wearing costumes that is covered in small flags

horse wearing flag costume

little boy showing off ribbon he won

Photos by courtesy of Elizabeth.

“Thanks for the quick shipment of our Superman costume,  it was a hit and he looked so good in it.”

horse wearing superman costume

horse wearing superman costume